Approximately 98% of the problems encountered by an organization in building business infrastructure fall into the following 4 Barriers to Quality ©:
1. Fear of expression and/or actions.
2. Lack of communication (verbal and/or written).
3. Lack of written procedure.
4. Lack of training.
If the four barriers are faced by using the BaseValues© concept, quality can be achieved.
BaseValues ©: The foundation of principles and rules that determines conduct and habit, which in turn affect all employees’ common welfare. The company must hold and be held accountable for these BaseValues . The underlying structure is built on the two rules:
The Two Rules:
1. Do what is morally and ethically correct.
2. Treat everyone as you want to be treated.
Quality Issues ©: Any violation of one or two of Athe two rules. A Quality Issue can be because of process, procedure, personality or people. All Quality Issues are purely by volunteer and it's process used at the choice of the employees. It is recommended to use the existing system of the organization but when fear exists, that system is most likely outdated.
According to the Four Barriers to Quality©, we must resist boarding the "Blame Plane" or (accusing one another for company issues). If because of habit you still feel the need to blame, blame The 4 Barriers To Quality and not other employees.
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